Frequently Asked Questions

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Billing & Payments
We do not offer refunds for any digital products. The reasoning behind this is that we have no way of verifying whether or not you "remove" the file from your system.
To download the product, simply check your email and click the download link or click the "Download Files" button located after checkout.
If you are on a mobile device, such as an iPhone, copy and paste the download link into Safari and download it there. Once downloaded, open the "Downloads" section on safari and then save it to your iPhones "files."
For Android users, it is much easier. Simply download it and then access it from your phones files section.
The format of the product is typically a .zip file.
A .zip file is a folder that has been consolidated for sharing. Within that .zip file, you will find all the files associated with your PLR Product. The files inside each .zip file will usually contain the following:
- PDF or .txt file of your digital product
- Images, assets, and other info
- Product License Rights
The files can be opened on any device. Please refer to our previous section "How do I download the product?"
Nope! All of our PLR digital downloads should be easily accessible by any device.
Once you purchase and download the PLR Product, you have an indefinite amount of access to it. It is your license now!
For security reasons and preservation of assets, we give you 3 download attempts. Additionally download links are active for one week following your purchase.
If you are unsuccessful in downloading the product and saving it to your files within 3 attempts and one calendar week, please email our support team.
Yes! As soon as you download the product you can share it within your devices.
For our PLR products, we have a 3 time download limit. Meaning, you can use the download link provided to you by 3 times.
Absolutely! We actually encourage this as it can be a great method of distributing and profiting off your PLR. It's a different but powerful route most people don't take.
If you are looking for somewhere to print the product and drive sales with it, try printify. Click here for more information
If you have trouble downloading the product, please view our section on "How Do I Download The Product?" If you are still having trouble, please contact our support team.
General PLR
The word “PLR” stands for “Private Label Rights." PLR content (articles, ebooks, images, videos, templates, presentations etc.) are the content that gives you the right to edit, change, modify, and use it as your own.
Yes! With most licesnes you can. The beauty of PLR products are that you only need to purchase them one time to get unlimited access. This means one purchase can allow you to resell the same one an infinite amount of times!
Yes! PLR has one of the highest ROI's (Return on investments) in the E-Commerce industry. On a one time purchase of an E-Book that's just few dollars, you can resell it over and over!
Although you don't have to edit or cutomize your PLR, we highly reccomend you do so. Customizing your PLR makes your product stand out from the rest. A good eBook cover could be the difference in getting a sale and not getting one.
For editing eBook covers, Planners, Journals, and Calendars off, we reccomend canva.
Let us briefly explain what you are allowed to do with each of the licenses. The terms below apply for most of the products, however, particular products could have some restrictions, so you must check product license supplied with each product.
Private Label Rights (PLR)
[YES] You can sell the main product and keep the 100% profits of the sale
[YES] You can put your name on the sales letter [YES] You can claim the product as your own [YES] You can put your name as the author
[YES] You can modify any part of the product (edit content, sales letter, ecover, graphics, etc.) [YES] You can sell resell rights to the product
[YES] You can sell master resell rights to the product
Note: Usually you cannot sell private label rights to the product, but you should check the actual license since on some of the products it’s allowed.
Master Resale Rights (MRR)
[YES] You can sell the main product and keep the 100%
[YES] You can put your name on the sales letter
[YES] You can sell resell rights to the product
[NO] You cannot modify any part of the products
[NO] You cannot claim the product as your own
[NO] You cannot put your name as the author
[NO] You cannot sell master resell rights to the product, only the main product and/or basic resell rights (unless otherwise stated in the license)
Resale Rights (RR)
[YES] You can sell the main product and keep the 100% profits of the sale [YES] You can put your name on the sales letter
[NO] You cannot modify any part of the products
[NO] You cannot claim the product as your own
[NO] You cannot put your name as the author
[NO] You cannot sell resell rights to the product, only the main product (unless otherwise stated in the license)
Personal Use Rights
[YES] You can use this product for your own personal use
[NO] You cannot sell personal use products
There are great eBooks and tutorials for personal use which you can use to learn from them.
Giveaway Rights
[YES] You can giveaway these products to build a list or as a gift.
Other giveaway terms vary from product to product so you must check the actual license.
Note: Most Resell Rights products can also be given away, so you should consider them when looking for a giveaway product. Do check the actual license to make sure you’re not breaking any terms.
All PLR products on follow a similar layout in how you can tell what license comes with the product.
For instance:
"Example | PLR eBook" would mean it comes with Private Label Rights
"Example | MRR eBook" would mean it comes with Master Resale Rights
"Example | PUR eBook" would mean it comes with Personal Use Rights
"Example | GR eBook" would mean it comes with Giveaway Rights
"Example | RR eBook" would mean it comes with Resale Rights
For more on the definitions of these, please click here.
You can sell your PLR products wherever you like!
Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, etc.
Zelara PLR has an amazing utility called PLR Quick Start. With PLR Quick Start, we take you through the whole process and teach you everything. You can start making passive income in just a few hours!