10,000 Words That Sell Like Crazy PLR eBook
10,000 Words That Sell Like Crazy PLR eBook is your easy and quick product for the copywriting and sales niches and you get private label rights to name it yours.
10,000 Words That Sell Like Crazy PLR eBook
File Format: MS Word Document, Open Office ODT, PDF
Number of Pages: 267 pages
Salespage: Included HTML
Download/Thank You Page: Included, HTML
Included Graphics: Cover and footer.
Cover Graphics: JPG in 5 different sizes
Miscellaneous Graphics: eCover PSD
Year Released/Circulated: 2019
Suggested Selling Price: $27
10,000 Words That Sell Like Crazy PLR eBook Introduction:
Did we every have enough sales tactics? Never enough. Never enough sales either.
This ebook is a massive collection of ten thousand MAGIC words and phrases that will grab your prospect’s attention, INFLUENCE them to visit your web site and PERSUADE them to buy your product!
Here are some examples:
If you’re like me…
eyebrow raising
first rate
I know your skeptical…
mint condition
hard hitting
I’ll personally
only (no.) made
mind rocking
serious bids only
You might be thinking…
never been released
limited edition
What if I told you…
revenue enhancing
shameless pleasure
This fact is verified by…
sought after
star studded
I’m sure you heard…
hand made
breakneck speed
unbeatable offer
How anyone can…
free shipping
rare opportunity
collector’s item
I have a confession to make…
rare opportunity
And over 9,900 more order-pulling words & phrases are included inside!
And over 9,900 more order-pulling words & phrases are included inside!
Examples Of How To Use These Words & Phrases
- Single Words (automate) – Learn how to fully automate your business!
- Word Combinations (mind blowing) – Discover mind blowing ways to increase your sales!
- Short Phrases (once in a lifetime) – This is an once in a lifetime opportunity!
- Phrase Templates (how to avoid) – How to avoid going bankrupt!
The Uses Are Endless!
It’s the perfect reference if you’re selling products or services to consumers, business owners, auction buyers and sellers, marketers, entrepreneurs, MLMer’s, affiliates, web masters, executives, investors and opportunity seekers and anyone else!
10,000 Words That Sell Like Crazy PLR eBook Rights:
[YES] Can be given away
[YES] Can be packaged
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights