E-Book Reseller Riches | PLR eBook
How to Exponentially Increase Your Web Profits with Resell Rights!
There are massive profits to be made on the Internet. Most of them revolve around the million dollar industry of selling information products in the form of E-Books.
The reason why we have decided to release another book is to share our combined expertise in the Resell Rights arena and how we can help YOU to create runaway autopilot riches without chalking out a single word of your own in terms of product creation. Before we jump in, we must outline our reselling strategy with care.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step – so we must make sure we begin our first step in the right direction. Remember, our goal is financial freedom – achieving autopilot, recurring income long after you stop marketing!
Table of Contents
* Chapter 1: Introduction
* Chapter 2: Four Ways to Maximize Profits – Upfront Sales – Back-end Sales – Re-branding Fees – Selling Resell Rights
* Chapter 3: What Type of Resell Rights to Offer?
* Chapter 4: Executing Your Reselling Strategies – Always Cater to a Hungry Niche Market – Creating your Product – How to Price Your Product – What are Your Other Profit Centers? – How to Get Your Resellers Started as Quickly as Possible – How and Where to Market Your Product for Upfront Sales? – Your Checklist
* Chapter 5: Other Reseller Strategies – Writing Articles – Viral Marketing – Paid E-zine Advertising – Blogging
* Chapter 6: Summary
* Chapter 7: Getting Started At Lightning Speed – A Wealth of Resources