Horse PLR Articles
Horse PLR Articles with private label rights is a nice set of articles that covers a variety of information related to one of the most useful and great animals to have.
Horse PLR Articles
Before you go to the great expense of buying a horse, you need to evaluate how good a rider you are, and just how much do you really know about horses and horse care. Make no mistake, you need to really be honest with yourself as this is a huge commitment. Ask yourself what size and age of horse would work best for you as well. These 25 articles are going to help you in deciding if a horse is the right animal to bring into your life, and if your answer is yes, what you need to know about caring for and being a part of, your horses life.
Horse PLR Articles Titles:
25 articles with between 300 and 500 words, including:
Arthritis and the Older Horse
Arthritis and the Older Horse – Remedies
Basic Horse Nutrition
Care For Your Older Equine
Care For Your Older Equine – Part Two
Equine Parasites
Lunging Part One
Sacking Out Part Three
Snug the Girth Up Tight
What to Watch for Buying a Horse at Auction
and more!
Horse PLR Articles Samples:
While you might think this is a simple thing to do – feed your horse – you’d be surprised at the number of horse owners that don’t know about the basics. There is no real rule of thumb for feeding, as each horse’s nutritional needs will vary depending on age, weight and level of activity.
It’s over 40 degrees in the baking sun and you can’t even walk outside without feeling like you’ve been drained of every ounce of energy you ever had. If you feel this way, imagine how your horse feels. Pretty much the same. If you are hot, so are they.
When working with your horse make sure he has a halter and lead on, but keep him untied. Why? He needs to know that if things get too scary for him, he can leave. This reduces anxiety. If you tie a horse and introduce scary things, the only thing he learns is he can’t get away, not to not be afraid of the object.
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