The Ultimate Salesman PLR Ebook
The Ultimate Salesman PLR Ebook with private label rights is a great ebook that you can use and sell as you like on the very popular and profitable topic of sales.
The Ultimate Salesman PLR Ebook
File Format: MS Word Document, PDF
Number of Pages: 25
Salespage: Included.
Download/Thank You Page: Included.
Included Graphics: Cover.
Cover Graphics: JPG and PSD. 3D and flat.
Miscellaneous Graphics: None.
Extra Pages: Bonuses HTML page.
Extras: None.
Year Released/Circulated: Unknown, but timeless information.
Suggested Selling Price: $27
The Ultimate Salesman PLR Ebook Introduction:
The title good salesman has always held a sort of prestige to it. Very few people have been able to acquire that title. You can’t learn how to be a good salesman in college. In fact some of the best salesman I’ve met didn’t even have a high school diploma. I find many college graduates stay away from sales because the playing field is level. A degree doesn’t determine how much money you will make.
I can honestly tell you there is no better profession than a salesman. Have you ever worked a 9-5 job that you felt didn’t pay you enough? I remember times when I’d work my butt off all week to get a measly $400-500 check at the end of the week. The work didn’t match my pay. When I would go to the boss and ask for a better position that paid more, there was always this college degree barrier.
With sales no one can tell you how much money to make. With some sales jobs you work your own hours. This is great, but I had a bad habit of working 1 day for about 8 hours and make a little over a thousand and disappear until the next week. Those one day work weeks are the best. I don’t suggest you do that. Work hard everyday because it pays off at the end of every week.
The Ultimate Salesman PLR Ebook Contents:
Introduction to the ultimate Salesman
Having a Positive Attitude
Starting conversation with the Customer
How to read the customer
When and how to ask to buy
Creating want in the customer
Gaining commitment
How to overcome objection
Taking control
Using the right words at the right time
Closing the deal
The Ultimate Salesman PLR Ebook Rights:
[YES] Can be sold
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[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be added to free membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sales
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be edited or modified and put your name on it
[YES] Can sell resale rights
[YES] Can sell master resale rights
[YES] Can sell private label rights
[YES] Includes sales copy
[YES] Includes sales page graphics